Kansas Association of Mappers

Address Point data usage

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  • 17 Sep 2019 8:20 AM
    Reply # 7884815 on 7871150
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    Esri's Election Polling Place Lookup app is another one that can consume address points without requiring any joins or geoprocessing. You just add address points as a layer to your web map and tell the lookup widget to use it as a search option. (Here is our deployment, if you're interested. It's pretty much an out-of-the-box app.)

    Again, though, the key to success is that the organization has to have access to ArcGIS Online and enough human resources to maintain the data and configure the app. Not difficult, just not accessible to a lot of organizations. Hopefully, as more organizations see the time and cost savings involved in putting information out on the web, priorities will shift in favor of allocating resources to this.

    Did we ruin or enhance your presentation with this discussion? :)

  • 18 Sep 2019 7:31 AM
    Reply # 7887042 on 7871150
    Deleted user

    This has been a great discussion and I think enhances part of my presentation.

    It seems to me that since ESRI is making it so easy to create applications and other ways for users to view data, that the data itself and making it usable is where more resources should be allocated.

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