Kansas Association of Mappers

Online learning or Books?

  • 20 Feb 2019 4:57 PM
    Message # 7175779
    Tyler Wehr (Administrator)

    Any recommendations on books on model building and intro python for practical applications in Arc Desktop.

    I didn't know if there were any free sources we get through KAM.

    My library has a few books on the subject but they are a bit too advanced ion the Python aspect of it.

    Thanks All

  • 21 Feb 2019 7:59 AM
    Reply # 7176678 on 7175779

    Python Scripting for ArcGIS from Esri Press would be a good book.  Learn Python the hard Way is a good free internet resource too.  The Esri sites https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/arcpy/main/arcgis-pro-arcpy-reference.htm and GeoNet are also good resources.

  • 21 Feb 2019 8:04 AM
    Reply # 7176683 on 7175779
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    It's not GIS specific, but I highly recommend Dr Charles Severance's Coursera course called "Programming for Everybody."


    Ignore the pricing on Coursera -- if you don't need an official certificate to satisfy a requirement, you can take it for free. What's nice about this class is that you learn the basics of the language and some of the capabilities that it has beyond what GIS uses it for. This class taught me how to "read" in Python. From there, it wasn't terribly difficult to incorporate the arcpy module to do geoprocessing.

  • 21 Feb 2019 9:06 AM
    Reply # 7176773 on 7175779

    You can apply for an education grant from KAM to pay for the materials. Here is the link: https://kansasmappers.org/educationgrant

  • 21 Feb 2019 10:35 AM
    Reply # 7176974 on 7175779

    All of the course work for PSU's Intro to Python class (technically called GIS Programming and Software Development) is openly accessible, see the links in the lower right side for course navigation- https://www.e-education.psu.edu/geog485/node/91

    The course is an excellent, free resource for GIS specific Python training.

  • 22 Feb 2019 8:06 AM
    Reply # 7178568 on 7175779
    Tyler Wehr (Administrator)

    Thanks all.

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