Kansas Association of Mappers

Tracking changes to Parcels

  • 02 May 2019 9:18 AM
    Message # 7316499
    Tyler Wehr (Administrator)

    Does anyone have a system in place to track changes and display them on County GIS websites to Property boundaries.

    Ex. If a change to the boundary of a lot would include/remove additional lots adjacent to the property boundary I would want to see that change and all previous changes.

    Maybe something like google earth's historical aerial bar.


    Tyler W.

  • 03 May 2019 8:15 AM
    Reply # 7318243 on 7316499

    I copy the current parcel to another layer called history before I make the changes. I've colored the linework a different color for each year (I have about 15 years worth) so I can track how a parcel has changed over time. It's interesting to see that the changes seem to be in the same areas or the same parcel.

  • 03 May 2019 8:35 AM
    Reply # 7318291 on 7316499
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    We take a snapshot of parcels every October and store the layer as "CertifiedParcels_yyyy" in our master repository. I know we have a parcel history layer similar to what Bj described, but I'm not the keeper of that data. I'll ask my colleague to contribute.

  • 03 May 2019 8:55 AM
    Reply # 7318339 on 7316499

    As Amy mentioned, every year we copy our current published parcels into a separate feature class naming it "Certified Parcel 20xx."  Also, before I make any changes to the geometry of our current published parcels, I copy the polygon (with attributes) to a separate feature class named "Parcel History".  This gives us a reference for changes made within the year.

    I use our "Certified Parcel 20xx" layer more often than I use our "Parcel History" layer.

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