Kansas Association of Mappers

Google Maps - correcting street names

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  • 21 Nov 2019 3:35 PM
    Message # 8133609

    Anyone have suggestions on how to get Google Maps to update street names?  UPS, FedEx and even our own ambulance service use Google Maps for routing.  We recently named several private roads in the county that don't show up in Google Maps.  I created an account and requested numerous times for Google to make the updates with no luck.  We now have angry homeowners on the private roads because they aren't getting their deliveries.  We also had a 911 call on one of the newly named private roads that couldn't be routed correctly.  

  • 22 Nov 2019 8:16 AM
    Reply # 8134647 on 8133609

    I have tried for years to get them to correct ours.  I even spoke with a person from Google after we had a double fatality plane crash and the responders were relying on Google under direction of the FAA.  I was told we are not a big enough community for them to worry about correcting.  I was also told that by FAA when I spoke with a person in D.C. over the incident.  I can't tell you how annoyed I am by Google and wish someone had a good answer.  

  • 22 Nov 2019 9:12 AM
    Reply # 8134744 on 8133609
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    While not Google, I'd suggest sending updates to HERE. Garmin, Bing, Yahoo, and other navigation systems buy their maps and they are happy to make changes. The contact is David Stearns, 913-232-0191 or david.stearns@here.com. If for some reason you're not able to reach him, Devon Bennett from HERE attended KAM and I'm sure would be happy to make contact: devon.bennett@here.com.

  • 22 Nov 2019 10:44 AM
    Reply # 8134942 on 8133609

    This website gives you contact methods for different providers.


  • 22 Nov 2019 12:44 PM
    Reply # 8135107 on 8133609

    I have tried the same avenues as Sherie has;  creating an account, offering our data layers, etc.  HERE purchased our data one time many years ago.  It still doesn't help with the millions that use Google Maps.

  • 23 Nov 2019 1:01 PM
    Reply # 8136195 on 8133609

    I registered for an upcoming webinar about Google maps, I will try to say something or get a contact.

    Google maps has the incorrect location for some state highways like K32 near the Turner Diagonal in KCK, yet we have not found any reliable and stable method to communicate with Google like we do with every other mapping company or platform, including those named in this thread.


  • 23 Nov 2019 3:02 PM
    Reply # 8136316 on 8133609

    Here a link to the Google maps webinar:


  • 25 Nov 2019 7:08 AM
    Reply # 8138079 on 8136316
    Kyle Gonterwitz wrote:

    Here a link to the Google maps webinar:


    Thanks Kyle.  I'm glad to see I'm not the only one frustrated by this issue!
  • 25 Nov 2019 9:42 PM
    Reply # 8139388 on 8133609

    Hello all,

    This topic has come up a lot lately among NG911 data maintainers.  Google has a new portal for uploading GIS data for integration.  The portal allows you to create a user account, upload data and then track the status of your data being integrated.

    At the KAM NG911 GIS data users session, DASC offered to facilitate a Google data submission by submitting a NG911 data request on behalf of Google through the NG911 Portal and then submitting the data for all those that approve the request to Google.  The hope is that a larger, nearly statewide submission would expedite the data update.

    However, a concern came up that we had not considered during our user group discussion.  Steven Rice (Smith Co) said that navigation vendors have erroneously included minimum maintenance roads in their data which resulted in semis getting routed and stuck on these roads.  So, the next step is for the NG911 GIS Committee to consider an edit to the NG911 GIS Data Model to add optional attributes specifically for excluding segments as part of a data request.  The next NG911 GIS Committee meeting is in a couple of weeks so we should have an update on that soon.

    Also, Devon Bennett (devon.bennett@here.com) is the data acquisition contact for HERE.  She has submitted NG911 GIS data requests and currently has one pending.  If you are part of that request you would have received a notification, so please approve or deny that request asap.  Devon attended KAM and was part of our NG911 GIS user group data request discussion.   She would be happy to answer any of your questions, so feel free to contact her directly.

    In the meantime, if you would like to check out the Google Geo Upload portal, I have included a link below.

    Please let me know if you have any additional thoughts or comments on this topic.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



  • 12 Dec 2019 2:02 PM
    Reply # 8257889 on 8133609

    An update to all who responded to my original post.  I submitted 6 road names to Google using Geo Data Upload instead of the "report a missing road" on Google Maps.  And am happy to report that the Geo Data Upload was successful within 2 weeks of my submission versus NUMEROUS attempts over the past 12 months of using the report a missing road method.  I encourage anyone trying to get roads updated in Google Maps, to use the Geo Data Upload.  


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