Kansas Association of Mappers

Address Point data usage

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  • 09 Sep 2019 7:36 AM
    Message # 7871150
    Deleted user

    At the conference next month I'm presenting on Address Points and their usage in applications. I find Address Points a very useful dataset for making simple, easy to use applications and versatile for statistical aggregations; things like population estimates and crime. Johnson County (Locations Services)  and Overland Park (What's Happening in My Neighborhood) have had applications based on Address Points for years. I'm just wondering why other organizations haven't used Address Points to create similar applications. And what others are using Address Points, if at all.

  • 10 Sep 2019 8:25 AM
    Reply # 7873397 on 7871150

    We use address points in a Land Evaluation System model to determine # of residences within a certain distance of land someone wants to rezone from Ag.

  • 10 Sep 2019 12:59 PM
    Reply # 7873910 on 7871150
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    Can you expand more on your statement "I'm just wondering why other organizations haven't used Address Points to create similar applications."? Are you asking why organizations aren't creating web apps? Or why organizations are creating web apps and not using address points in their search functionality?

  • 11 Sep 2019 12:02 PM
    Reply # 7876284 on 7871150
    Deleted user

    I'm wondering why organizations aren't using Address Points as a basis for an application. If you add columns and calculate values on the Address Points, like parcelid, zoning, school district, ward, flood plain, etc.. Then all the application has to do is respond to a search by the user and all that information can be displayed. The user does not have to search, then click around to find the information they are after. 

    Last modified: 11 Sep 2019 12:03 PM | Deleted user
  • 12 Sep 2019 9:53 AM
    Reply # 7877667 on 7871150
    Amy Roust (Administrator)

    I think that the organizations that have web apps (Douglas County, City of Lawrence, Shawnee County, Riley County, Johnson County, DASC, and more) are likely making use of address points in some way. I know it's an option to search by address in all of our web apps, and the first hit always goes to the address point layer. (We prefer string searches to geocoders, and that seems to be the direction that Esri is going.)

    I did an analysis in 2017 to see how many Kansas counties had a web GIS presence, and of those who did, how many were doing it in-house vs. contracting the work with an outside provider. Results:

    A good chunk of those using an "outside provider" are linking to DASC's ORKA system as their only form of web GIS.

    I don't think it's really a question of "why don't we build apps from address points" as much as it is that our member organizations don't have the resources (however you define that word) to produce their own web apps. We had tremendous interest in an ArcGIS Online course that we offered last summer, so I think the desire to put data on the web is out there.

    Last modified: 12 Sep 2019 9:55 AM | Amy Roust (Administrator)
  • 13 Sep 2019 8:27 AM
    Reply # 7879246 on 7871150
    We have used spatial joins on Address Points internally for software integrations, for instance we have the ReCollect app that takes a spatial join of our address points with our trash day polygon.  We have an automated python script to run the spatial join & export a csv once a month.  The major hurdle I see with using geoprocessing to combine address points with numerous polygon layers is the amount of processing time.  The better solution seems to be to use SQL spatial or some other back-end table magic.   The limiting factor for us is that we don't have the expertise or a big enough push to dive in.   And quite honestly the other reason is that the idea hasn't come up!   It will be a good presentation to get wheels turning.
    Last modified: 13 Sep 2019 8:28 AM | Micah Seybold
  • 16 Sep 2019 9:57 AM
    Reply # 7883036 on 7871150
    Deleted user

    Thanks for the the analysis info. I agree that that having the resources to create a custom application is a luxury. The application I  have is purely, out of the box ArcGIS Online. The process (Python) of adding spatial attributes to address points is what takes added expertise.

  • 16 Sep 2019 11:19 AM
    Reply # 7883240 on 7871150

    Also, I was recently made aware of the "Zone Lookup" configurable map on ArcGIS Online/Portal.   If you have a web map with your various lookup zones added and a geocoder (based on your address points) you can make a quick web app for lookup without having to do much custom coding. 

    1 file
  • 16 Sep 2019 1:51 PM
    Reply # 7883509 on 7871150
    Deleted user

    I also saw that tool and have played with it. The drawback I see, is you have to have all the "zone" layers in the map. So if you have a dozen or more layers you want to use, does that hurt performance and usability?

    I have also duplicated that tools functionality with Arcade using he Intersect function. The same applies, where you need all the layers in the map.

  • 16 Sep 2019 8:34 PM
    Reply # 7884226 on 7871150

    I think just about every county in Kansas has address points now as part of the NG911 data.  DASC Provides a geocoding service based on those address points at http://services.kansasgis.org/arcgis4/rest/services/Geocoders - more details are available on their website under catalog/services/Kansas Geocoder.

    Obviously, this doesn't give you access to address points unless you already have a list of addresses that can be geocoded to points.  If and when Kansas queues into the national address database, all the information should be there to create or use address points for application development purposes.

    Last modified: 16 Sep 2019 8:36 PM | Kyle Gonterwitz
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